Please let me know if I need to send this to another list. <br>I'm attempting to resolve this map file for nagiosgraph.<br><br>Below is the information out of the 'perfdata.log' file<br>1189461916||SERVERX.EXAMPLE.COM|NT_CHECK_DISK_C||Used: 35176 MB (50%) Free: 34275 MB (49%)||
<br><br>Below is my terrible attempt with the nagiosgraph 'map' file<br># Service type: ntdisk<br># check command: check_nt -H Address -v USEDDISKSPACE -lc -w 75 -c 90<br># output: c:\ - total: 25.87 Gb - used: 4.10
Gb (16%) - free 21.77 Gb (84%)<br># perfdata: c:\ Used Space=4.10Gb;19.40;23.28;0.00;25.87<br>#/perfdata:.*Space=([.0-9]+)Gb;([.0-9]+);([.0-9]+);([.0-9]+);([.0-9]+)/<br>/output:.*?([0-9]) MB* Free: .*?([0-9]) MB */<br>and push @s, [ ntdisk,
<br>[ diskused, GAUGE, $1*1024**3 ],<br>[ diskfree, GAUGE, $5*1024**3 ] ];<br><br>If anyone can help I'll buy you lunch in Vegas.<br><br>Wells<br><br>