<span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">Hello all.<br><br>Can anyone tell me why this timeperiod does not work?<br>It does not send notifications during the evenings and nights on weekdays, but sends successfully during the weekend!
<br><br>define timeperiod{<br> timeperiod_name offhours<br> alias Non-Office Hours, 7 Days A Week<br> sunday 00:00-24:00<br> monday 16:30-09:00<br> tuesday 16:30-09:00
<br> wednesday 16:30-09:00<br> thursday 16:30-09:00<br> friday 16:30-09:00<br> saturday 00:00-24:00<br> }<br><br>Thanks for your help.<br>- Jakob<br></span><br>