<div>Hi guys, hi Nagios addict ! <BR> <BR> Well, here´s my problem:<BR> <BR> I discovered Nagios Looking Glass soon, and I'm trying to get same contact management as I have on my nagios server:<BR> <BR>contact 1 ==> can only see his devices<BR>contact 2 ==> can only see his devices<BR>....<BR>Actually, each users can see all the devices.. not very secured.<BR> <BR>I saw on the mailing-list archive that many persons tried to put this feauture in their servers, but no one send what he found ...<BR> <BR>As anybody find the solutions ? Andy Shellam (NLG developper) said me that it'll be a new feature in NLGV2, but I need it right now !<BR> <BR>Thanks for all your help<BR> <BR>Nicolas<BR></div><p>
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