As i understand check_snmp internally used net-snmpd for its snmp communication.<BR>
In that case if that any use of keeping new MIBs to /usr/share/snmp/mibs of Nagios server.<BR>
Also, is there any tool to read OID from MIB files.<BR>
Please clarify.<BR>
On Sat, 08 Mar 2008 Patrick Morris wrote :<BR>
>On Fri, 07 Mar 2008, Mr Manoj wrote:<BR>
> > Ok fine. how can i intergrate new MIBs with check_snmp.<BR>
> ><BR>
> > Say, when i receive new vendor MIB, how to comiple those to make<BR>
> > Nagios understand about the new MIBs.<BR>
>Nagios doesn't deal directly with MIBs at all -- really, all they all is<BR>
>a standard format for documenting the SNMP information from a given<BR>
>To use that information, well, that depends on what's in the MIBs, and<BR>
>what you care about. Look through the MIBs, and add check_snmp checks<BR>
>against the OIDS you care about. Unless they're traps, in which case<BR>
>this is a good starting point:<BR>
>In either case, you don't *need* MIBs at all.<BR>
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