Hi, I'm using Nagios in a production environment, and I'm trying to configure some complex setup, which I'll try to explain here :<br><br>- Munin is sending to Nagios NSCA exports to tell when a server run out of disk space.<br>
We have in services.cfg this configuration :<br>define service{<br> use crit-service # this is a service which will send us SMS notifications<br> host_name serverOne, serverTwo<br>
hostgroup_name groupofServers1, groupofServers2<br> service_description df<br> max_check_attempts 1<br> check_command check_none<br> active_checks_enabled 0<br>
}<br><br>This is a typical passive checks driven service. we also want to send notification first to somebody, and 10 minutes later to the whole admin team :<br>here is the escalation.cfg for the "df" service and (for one of the servers, this is repeated for each server or group of server):<br>
<br>define serviceescalation{<br> service_description df<br> host_name someserver<br> first_notification 1<br> last_notification 0<br>
notification_interval 10<br> contact_groups some_guy<br>}<br><br>define serviceescalation{<br> service_description df<br> host_name someserver<br>
first_notification 2<br> last_notification 0<br> notification_interval 10<br> contact_groups whole_admin_team<br>}<br><br><br>This is working just fine. Now the tricky part : we would like to send notification for DF WARNINGS only during workhours, and the rest (u,c,r) in the 24x7 period
I tried to create more escalations, specific with "timeperiod" and "escalation_options" but I can't make it.<br><br>Will you find the solution ? thanks in advance for your help.<br><br>Julien Dehee.<br>