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<div>I was trying t monitor check_oracle plug in via nrpe daemon and unsuccessful. I had a problem of "No TNS listener message" on my nagios console. Now I am trying to monitor without the nrpe deamon. just simply using nagios plug in check_oracle</div>
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<div>commands.cfg has,</div>
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<div>define command{<br>command_name check_oracle<br>command_line $USER1$/check_oracle $ARG1$ $ARG2$<br>}<br></div>
<div>services.cfg has,</div>
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<div>define service{<br> host_name !somemachine1,!sommachine2,somemachine3<br> hostgroup_name pay-db,mspl-db<br> service_description ORACLE SID<br> is_volatile 0<br>
check_period 24x7<br> check_interval 3<br> retry_interval 3<br> max_check_attempts 3<br> notification_interval 4<br>
notification_period 24x7<br> notification_options w,u,c,r<br> check_command check_oracle!--db playdb1<br> contact_groups admins<br> }<br>
<div>oracle server is runnng on somemachine3 with the SID playdb1. If I log into remote machine and execute,</div>
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<div>[nagios@rsomemachine3 libexec]$ ./check_oracle --db playdb1<br>playdb1 OK - 1 PMON process(es) running<br><br clear="all">but from nagios machine,</div>
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<div>[nagios@lnxtestsrv1 libexec]$ ./check_oracle --db playdb1<br>playdb1 Database is DOWN<br></div>
<div>[nagios@lnxtestsrv1 libexec]$ ./check_oracle --tns playdb1<br>Cannot determine ORACLE_HOME for sid playdb1<br></div>
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<div>I have set the proper ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID , PATH variable both on nagios and remote machine well. I aslo enter paramters into tnsnames.ora on remote machine (where oracle is running) for nagios user.</div>
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<div>But the problem still persists, </div>
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<div>can you someone please help in this?</div>
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