I have a Java Web Application aka Servlet. It has its own users database in a file which is of the format:<br>
<br>username, md5Password, email, cellnumber<br>user1,asdasjdas3qq0,<a href="mailto:user1@somemail.com" target="_blank">user1@somemail.com</a>, 0123456789<br><br>Now these users can login to my application. What my application want to provide to these users is:<br>
1. Get the hostip, hostalias, hostname from user1 and add it to
hosts.cfg (does hosts.cfg allow multiple entries with totally same
data?), i can do this.. it isnt much problem. Plus do i need these users to be in nagios users database as well for the sake of alerts via email/sms? If yes, what type of information do i require? and where should i put it? or can i avoid adding my application users to that? Coz if i need to add my users there in nagios database as well, i will have to maintain the data consistency between nagios database and my application user database...<br>
List all the available services on the host that could be monitored
using nagios current setup, if possible private as well. I have to show
these services with check boxes before their name, so that user1 needs
to only check the checkbox to start monitoring the services. What my
problem is that how do i get a list of all monitorable services on the
remote host in a string? whereas remote host could be windows as well
as linux? or may be, remote host could even be local. As a start point, just tell me if its local and nix based, ubuntu to be specific.<br>
<br>3. After the user1 has selected the services he want to monitor, i
will have to write the services.cfg by myself, thats a little problem.
Isnt the syntax different for different type of hosts? e.g. windows or
linux? or different type of services? Plus i also wanna add his entry
for the notify_sms, how can i write his cell number here? i mean is
there way that instead of writing the $CONTACT i write his number? <br><br>4.user2 might also subscribe for alerts for the same service, and may be on the same host as user1 using the same process...<br>