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I'm wondering if anyone can think of a better way to configure the
following scenario:<br>
Assume I have 2 services being monitored, service1 and service2.<br>
User1 wants to be able to see both services through the CGI interface
and hence is defined as a contact for both of them.<br>
User1 wants notifications for service1 but NEVER for service2.<br>
The only way I can think of setting this up is as follows:<br>
<li>Turn off all notifications for User1. This is the
username/password the person logs into the CGI with.<br>
<li>Create another user called User1_notifications. No one ever logs
in as this user but it has the same contact details eg email etc as
User1. User1_notifications has notifications enabled.<br>
<li>Setup User1_notifications as a contact for service1 only.</li>
Hence when service1 alerts User1 will never get alerted (notifications
are off), User1_notifications will get alerted (and its really the same
person as User1).<br>
When service2 alerts, User1 will never get alerted (notifications are
off) and User1_notifications will also not get alerted (as they are not
even a contact).<br>
Its a little bit ugly having to declare the contact twice, but at the
moment its the only way I can think of achieving this.<br>
Any ideas appreciated.<br>