<div dir="ltr">
<p>I'm having this exact same issue on two different Nagios
servers. One running Fedora and one running Ubuntu. It is driving
me crazy. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>An SNMP Trap is received for a backup job. It is properly
translated and ultimately received by Nagios. I have a freshness check in
place for the service that will create a critical alert if a check is not
received every 26 hours. For whatever reason, the check is run right
after the alert is received and it think the results are 12K+ days old.
It seems to periodically think the results are from 11-08-1973. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>This is an ongoing issue on both servers, but certainly
isn't the norm. Typically the freshness checks work great. However,
about once or twice a week, I see this behavior on random checks. Here is
an example:</p>
<p> </p>
<p>From the Nagios web interface ></p>
<p> </p>
<p>[08-10-2008 00:06:07] SERVICE ALERT:
HHA_Backups;Backup_Incremental;CRITICAL;HARD;3;CRITICAL: Results of backup job
were not reported!<br clear="all">
[08-10-2008 00:05:47] SERVICE ALERT:
HHA_Backups;Backup_Incremental;WARNING;SOFT;2;The job completed successfully.
However, the following conditions were encountered: 1 files were skipped. A
snapshot operation required by this job was unsuccessful. Check the job log and
the Windows Event Viewer for additional information.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>From nagios.log ></p>
<p> </p>
<p>[1218341147] PASSIVE SERVICE CHECK:
HHA_Backups;Backup_Incremental;1;The job completed successfully. However,
the following conditions were encountered: 1 files were skipped. A
snapshot operation required by this job was unsuccessful. Check the job log and
the Windows Event Viewer for additional information.</p>
<p>[1218341147] SERVICE ALERT:
HHA_Backups;Backup_Incremental;WARNING;SOFT;2;The job completed
successfully. However, the following conditions were encountered: 1
files were skipped. A snapshot operation required by this job was unsuccessful.
Check the job log and the Windows Event Viewer for additional information.</p>
<p>[1218341166] Warning: The results of service 'Backup_Incremental'
on host 'HHA_Backups' are stale by 12689d 23h 17m 32s (threshold=1d 2h 0m
0s). I'm forcing an immediate check of the service.</p>
<p>[1218341167] SERVICE ALERT:
HHA_Backups;Backup_Incremental;CRITICAL;HARD;3;CRITICAL: Results of backup job
were not reported!</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Any ideas?</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>