<div dir="ltr">I'm experimenting with Nagios Looking Glass for the first time, and have a question about filters. From looking at the examples in s3_filter.inc.php I've created a filter called "Web Servers" and placed our web servers into it. This works just fine, but the Looking glass page reports that "The network is experiencing severe outages which is having a negative effect on services." The reason for this is that I have nagios configured to check how much free disk space is available on the server. That check is in "critical" state because the volume is 90% full. I want nagios to alert me when that happens so I can look for disk space to free up before the disk is 100% full (and it has alerted me). Nagios Looking Glass, on the other hand is for end users. The end users don't need to be concerned that we're within 10% of filling the disk, so I don't want the Looking Glass to be concerned about disk space.<br>
<br>Is there any way to filter out certain services so Nagios Looking Glass won't be concerned about them?<br></div>