<div><STRONG>Environment:</STRONG></div> <div>RHEL 4.7 x86<BR>perl v5.8.5<BR>perl-DBI-1.40-9<BR>DBD-Oracle-1.19<BR>Oracle client<BR>Nagios 3.0.4<BR>check_oracle_health-1.5</div> <div> </div> <div><STRONG>command line test works:</STRONG></div> <div>/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_oracle_health --connect=test1 --user=nagios --password=nagios --mode=sql --name2="Sessions waiting for latch free" --name="select count(*) from v\$session_wait where event='latch free' "<BR>OK - sessions waiting for latch free: 0 | 'sessions waiting for latch free'=0;1;5</div> <div> </div> <div><STRONG>Following config not work:</STRONG></div> <div>define command{<BR> command_name check_oracle_health_latchfree-count<BR>  
; command_line $USER1$/check_oracle_health --connect=$ARG1$ --user=nagios --password=nagios --mode=sql --name2="Sessions waiting for latch
free" --name="select count(*) from v\$session where event='latch free' "<BR> }</div> <div>define service{<BR> use local-service ; Name of service template to use<BR> host_name vm2<BR> service_description Sessio
ns waiting for latch free<BR>
check_command check_oracle_health_latchfree-count!test1<BR> }</div> <div><BR>Sessions waiting for latch free </div> <div>UNKNOWN 10-25-2008 21:48:58 0d 0h 44m 26s 4/4 UNKNOWN - got no valid response for <STRONG>select count(*) from v$session where event='latch free'$</STRONG> <BR>I noticed a trailing "$" in the statement displayed on Nagios page.</div> <div> </div> <div>Thanks.</div> <div> </div><p>
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