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Hello all Nagios people,<br>
I believe to have found a problem/bug running the Nagios Plugins
Service under Windows 2003.<br>
Its a strange problem, but I found the solution, by just change the
NRPE_NT Service Account to something else then LocalSystem<br>
with ADministrator permissions.<br>
Here is what happens<br>
root@S:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# ./check_nrpe -H SERVER -t 90 -u -c
get_top_mbox -a SERVER 3 2000 4000<br>
<b>c:\nrpe_nt\plugins\v2\check_mboxsize.wsf(87, 3) Microsoft VBScript
runtime error: Subscript out of range: '0'<br>
After changing the Service user Account :</i><b><br>
</b>root@S:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# ./check_nrpe -H SERVER -t 90 -u
-c get_top_mbox -a SERVER 3 2000 4000<br>
<b>OK - Alaisso Binco, Sona , 512.00 MB - Johni Amient , 512.00 MB
- Punot d'Informa Juve , 379.00 MB<br>
The script is quite complex, and I have tried to spit output as
wscript.echo , wscript.stdout.write (no help)<br>
More details here:<br>
<a href="http://felipeferreira.net/?p=101">http://felipeferreira.net/?p=101</a><br>
Anyone knows if a new version will be released?<br>
Felipe Ferreira<br>