I currently have two hosts where one acts as a backup for the other and so long as the first is up the second will always be down.<br><br>What I am looking to do is control the status of the second based on the first and am wondering if this kind of configuration is possible?<br>
<br>I tried using a host dependency and host definitions as follows but no luck so far<br><br>define hostdependency{<br> dependent_host_name sydisdn<br> host_name sydgw<br> execution_failure_criteria o<br>
}<br><br>define host{<br> use router<br> host_name sydgw<br> alias sydgw<br> address *.*.*.*<br> hostgroups &n
bsp; router,sydney<br>
}<br><br>define host{<br> use router<br> host_name sydisdn<br> alias sydISDN<br> active_checks_enabled 1<br> passive_checks_enabled 0<br>
address *.*.*.*<br> hostgroups isdn,sydney<br><br><br>
I would like to be able to display the status of sydisdn as
downtime when sydgw is up and running normally. When the status of
sydgw is anything else sydisdn should be monitored to check its status.<br><br>Any help would be much appreciated.<br><br>Brad <br><br><br><br>-- <br>Bradley Mclain<br>Systems Administrator Trainee<br>De Bortoli Wines Pty limited<br>
De Bortoli Rd, BILBUL NSW 2680<br>e: <a href="mailto:bradley_mclain@debortoliwines.com">bradley_mclain@debortoliwines.com</a><br>