<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">I have a set of QA and PROD machines for which I need the following which are all under one page when I go to http://<hostname>/nagios and click on say "service detail" . I would like to have the following<br><br>a) Have a service detail,Hostgroup link for QA and prod<br>b) Have a publishable link without password so people can view it <br><br>QA machines has hostgroups with following machines<br>qa-app =ap1.com,ap2.com,ap3.com<br>qa-web=web1.com,web2.com<br>qa-db=db1.com,db2.com<br><br>and similar for PROD . I would like something like <br><br>http://<hostname>/nagios/QA which will show all these 3 different hostgroups<br><br>http://>hostname>/nagios/PROD whch will show the oth
er hostgroups for PROD <br><br>Any suggestions ? <br>thanks<br>Martin<br><br><br><br><br><br></td></tr></table><br>