Thanks for the responses. The reason I didn't want to go the NSCA client route is that I didn't want to have to deploy a binary to each node I'm monitoring - really it just comes down to keeping things as simple as I can (which you wouldn't be able to tell based upon what I'm requesting).<br>
<br>Anthony: I started looking through the source and figured I was way in over my head. As much as I tried I couldn't really get a handle on what was going on there . . . I did manage to find a Perl script online that does what I want though.<br>
<br>However, thanks to Mattias I think I'll try to implement his method (the reason is that I have to integrate either 1. the Perl script into my existing script, or 2. Mattias' shell script into my script - I think I'd rather keep the script shorter).<br>
<br>Thanks for the ideas guys,<br><br>Matt <br>