Hi,<br clear="all"><br>I've got a problem with the nrpe & the variable MAX_PACKETBUFFER_LENGTH in include/common.h.<br><br>It limits the output to 1024 by default.<br>nagios3 is by now out for a good while and is able to receive and display 4096 Bytes. NRPE is limiting this down to 1024 Bytes.<br>
<br>OK, you may say: raise it. I did, but this did not work out as expected.<br><br>If I raise this value only on the nrpe server, the nrpe plugin (check_nrpe) does not work anymore. If I raise this on the plugin only this does not work either.<br>
<br>So the only solution would be to compile both nrpe server + plugin for all platforms and install it on all machines in one big rush.<br><br>1. The time for deployment would take some time of couse and in between I'd be blind - not good.<br>
2. I'm using self compiled nrpe servers as well as several packages. This means everywhere, where I was using packages for low maintenance, I have to go out and compile it for all platforms - not any better either.<br>
<br>Is there a way to get around this?<br>Can you think of a bugfix/feature (whatever you like) that make nrpe plugin and nrpe server working together with different MAX_PACKETBUFFER_LENGTH's?<br><br>Best Regards,<br>