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<font size="-1"><font face="Verdana">Hi,<br>
I am using Nagios Version 3.0.3 on server side.<br>
Need to monitor ASP.NET counters of Window 2008 (64 bit)<br>
On windows 2008 , I have installed pNsclient.exe <br>
also tried with nsclient++<br>
On server side in commands.cfg <br>
# 'check_nt_Counters' command definition<br>
define command {<br>
command_name check_nt_counters<br>
command_line $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 1248 -s
password -v COUNTER -l $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$<br>
in services.cfg<br>
## Below is Service Definition for ASP.NET Apps v2.050727 - Sessions
define service{<br>
use windows-service<br>
host_name host1<br>
service_description ASP.NET_Apps-Sessions_Active<br>
check_command check_nt_counters!"\\ASP.NET
Apps v2.050727\\Sessions Active"!2000!2500<br>
I am getting the output value as 0 but exactly in perfmon I can see the
exact value i.e approx 1000<br>
Also tried nrpe_nt to install on windows 2008. But throwing error while
starting the service.<br>
Windows could not start th Nagios Remote Plugin Executor for NT/W@K
service on Local Computer.<br>
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request
in timely manner.<br>
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