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Hi Friends,<br>
I Want <big>share My experience</big> of monitoring scripts on
nagios , Very simple and Easy.<br>
<big>I am 3 months experienced with nagios and u should make copy of
all your modifying files initially.<br>
Actually I want to monitor tomcat threads,memory etc.. along with
other services , i could not find plug ins similar to mysql.<br>
In my office we have inbuilt scripts to monitor tomcat manually.<br>
On test bases I had taken one of this script and tested , I had
There are other ways <big>thanks to</big> <big>Mr.Richard Quintin</big>
who shared his knowledge of using nagiosgraph and scripts to monitor
tomcat but my suse10.2 , monitoring server have few issues i could not
go head instead tried this.<br>
<big>Monitoring nagios using scripts.</big><br>
Monitoring tomcat Threads.<br>
<font size="+1">At remote host side i.e where nrpe is installed /
monitored box</font><br>
Created a file tomcat_threads.sh using vi editor<br>
#vi tomcat_threads.sh<br>
Entered following three line code<br>
totalThreads=`ps -C java -L -o pid,tid,pcpu,state | wc -l`<br>
echo "Total Threads Available:$totalThreads"<br>
Save the file and quit<br>
Made sure first script runs at # prompt.<br>
Moved script to /usr/local/nagios/libexec folder if its not created
Set permission<br>
#chmod 755 tomcat_threads.sh<br>
Give ownner ship to nagios user only.<br>
#chown nagios:nagios tomcat_threads.sh<br>
#cd /usr/local/nagios/etc<br>
#vi nrpe.cfg<br>
Append below command line<br>
Save and quit<br>
Restart xinetd to make changes effected.<br>
#service xinetd restart<br>
At monitoring server side / where nagios monitoring server installed</big>.<br>
#cd /usr/local/nagios/etc/<br>
#vi services.cfg<br>
Append this service<br>
define service{<br>
use generic-service<br>
host_name amazon<br>
service_description tomcat_threads.sh<br>
check_command check_nrpe!tomcat_threads.sh<br>
notifications_enabled 0<br>
Save and quit<br>
check for erorrs <br>
#/usr/local/nagios/bin /nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg<br>
correct your erorror if any.<br>
Restart nagios service<br>
#service nagios restart<br>
This is what worked for me and i am confident i will add as many as
scripts i want in future.<br>
You make changes as it suits to you and i own no responsibility for
typo error or if some thing goes wrong.</big><br>
<big>Please share your knowledge, knowledges grows by sharing while
money reduces by sharing. </big><br>
Gajula Vinod Kumar Eleshetty<br>
Enlume technologis.<br>