<div style="text-align: left;" id="result_box" dir="ltr">Do not get it to work "send_mail.pl" then making the settings:</div><br><b>commands.cfg</b><br>-----------------------<br><br>command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/send_mail.pl -n \"HOST $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\" -h \"$HOSTNAME$\"-s \"$HOSTSTATE$\" -a \"$HOSTADDRESS$\" -i \"$HOSTOUTPUT$\" -d \"$LONGDATETIME$\" -e \"$CONTACTEMAIL$\"<br>
<br><br><b>send_mai.pl</b><br>-------------------<br>my $mailhost = '';<br>my $maildomain = '<a href="http://mydomain.com">mydomain.com</a>';<br>my $mailfrom = '<a href="mailto:chp@mydomain.com">chp@mydomain.com</a>';<br>
my $mailto = '<a href="mailto:chp@mydomain.com">chp@mydomain.com</a>';<br>my $timeout = 30;<br>my $mailsubject = ''; # Leave blank<br>my $mailbody = ''; # Leave blank<br>
my $logfile = '/tmp/mail.log'; # Put somewhere better<br>my $debug = 1; # To enable SMTP session debugging to logfile<br><br><br>---------------------<br>
<div style="text-align: left;" id="result_box" dir="ltr">In
the log file (mail.log) I see no effort when a warning event, but when I use the
default configuration of Nagios works all right, only send_mail.pl not