can event handler take argument. I want to have a generic shell script which take argument as to what process needs to start. I want to restart process via nrpe. Can someone please verfiy if the following will work or not? Thanks in advance.<br>
<font color="red"><strong>
<pre>define service{<br> host_name somehost<br> service_description HTTP<br> max_check_attempts 4<br> event_handler!my_proecess<br> <i>...other service variables...</i><br> }<br></pre>
Once the service has been defined with an event handler, we must define
that event handler as a command. Notice the macros in the command line
that I am passing to the event handler - these are important!</p><br><pre>define command{<br>command_name<br>command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c restart-process -a $SERVICESTATE$ $STATETYPE$ $SERVICEATTEMPT$ $SERVICEDESC$ 2 $ARG1$<br>
}<br></pre><br>my<br><br><pre>#!/bin/sh<br><br>maxattempts=$5<br><br>case "$1" in<br>OK)<br> # The service just came back up, so don't do anything...<br> ;;<br>WARNING)<br> # We don't really care about warning states, since the service is probably still running...<br>
;;<br>UNKNOWN)<br> # We don't know what might be causing an unknown error, so don't do anything...<br> ;;<br>CRITICAL)<br><br> case "$2" in<br> <br><br> SOFT)<br><br><br> case "$3" in<br> <br>
<br> $maxattempts)<br><br> logger -t nrpe-eventhandler "Eventhandler: (Re)starting /etc/init.d/$4 (state=$1, type=$2, attempt=$3)"<br><br> output=`sudo /etc/init.d/$4 restart`<br><br> `which printf` "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nMessage:\tAn init script was invoked (after $3 attempts).\nDate/Time:\t`date`\n\nHostname:\t`uname -n`\nService:\t$4\nCommand:\t/etc/init.d/$4 restart\nOutput:\n\n$output" \<br>
| `which mail` -s "** Eventhandler: Restart of '$4' on host '`uname -n`'" $notifee<br> <br><br> sudo /etc/init.d/$6 restart<br> ;;<br> esac<br> ;;<br> <br><br> HARD)<br> # Call the init script to restart the service.<br>
sudo /etc/init.d/$6 restart<br> ;;<br> esac<br> ;;<br>esac<br>exit 0<br></pre><br clear="all"><br><br><br>-- <br>Cordially,<br>Shadhin Rahman<br>