On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:51 AM, Tore L?n?y wrote:<br>
> I've zeroed out the values for contacts and contactgroups, which<br>
> should effectivly hide this service unless cgi.cfg tells otherwise<br>
> for that user.<br>
> But, any user is able to view this service, why?<br>
> Ive tried to add myself to the contacts line and remove the<br>
> contact_groups, so it would look like this:<br>
> contacts tore<br>
> # contact_groups<br>
> But this still doesnt work, are regular operators are still able to<br>
> view the service, why? Operators are members of a "operators" group,<br>
> which is a contactgroup for all hosts.<br>
<br><< <a href="http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/objectinheritance.html#implied_inheritance" target="_blank">http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/objectinheritance.html#implied_inheritance</a><br>
<< --<br><< Marc<br><br><br>Hey Marc,<br><br>Thanks for the info, much appriciated. However, I cannot seem to understand why all my users can view the service when the contacts and contact_groups have no entries. As far as I understand the document in question, thoose values are only inherited from the host when thoose values arn't defined in the service object (in the cfg file).<br>
<br>I tried to create a "no-contactgroup" which has no members:<br>define contactgroup {<br> contactgroup_name no-contactgroup<br> alias Group with none-existing user<br>}<br><br><br>And the service:<br>
define service {<br> host_name XXX<br> service_description XXX<br> check_period 24x7<br> check_command check_nrpe!XXX<br> contact_groups no-contactgroup<br> notification_period 18x7<br>
initial_state o<br>[]...<br>}<br><br>And the host:<br>define host {<br> host_name XXX<br> alias XXX<br> address XXX<br> parents XXX2<br> check_command check-host-alive<br>
contact_groups support<br>[...]<br>}<br><br>Neither the host or the service have a contacts variable defined.<br><br>Am I missing something?<br><br>Thanks for the help!<br><br><br>