Hi,<br><br>I've recently completed a distributed installation of Nagios consisting of a master server acting as the web front end for Nagios and 2 slave servers that do all the service checking.<br><br>Currently we are monitoring approx 500 hosts and perform approx 3300 service checks.<br>
<br>Nagios performs daily rotation of the logs and they are approx 250MB in size for each 24 hours period.<br><br>I am having some difficulty running availability reports at the moment. I am able to generate reports for the current day but if I try and run a report against data that has been archived I get an internal server error from Apache.<br>
<br>I don't think it is a permissions issue nor do I think it's a security issue. Memory usage on the web box is quit high and avail.cgi seems to use a lot of it so it could be something as simple as not enough memory in the machine (The server currently has 3GB)<br>
<br>The server is running Fedora Core 10 as it's OS.<br><br>If any one can shed some light on this issues it would be most appreciated.<br><br>Kind Regards,<br><br>Paul Corcoran<br>