Having an issue with check_cluster that I hope someone can help with.<br><br>Using the following versions of Nagios and the plugins:<br><br>Nagios 3.0.3<br>Nagios Plugins 1.4.11<br><br>Basically the problem is it the check_cluster check is reporting back the proper ok/critical/warning messages from the underlying checks that are being run, but it is not handling its own critical/warning properly.<br>
<br>Here is a snip of the relevant check_cluster check and the two underlying checks it uses:<br><br>define service{<br> use check-proc<br> host_name apachehost<br>
display_name apachehost<br> service_description Apache Pair<br> check_command check_service_cluster!"Apache Pair"!1!2!$SERVICESTATEID:host1:Apache Processes$,$SERVICESTATEID:host2:Apache Processes$<br>
}<br><br><br>define service{<br> use check-cluster-proc<br> host_name host1<br> display_name host1<br> service_description Apache Processes<br>
check_command check_proc!!1:10<br> }<br><br>define service{<br> use check-cluster-proc<br> host_name host2<br> display_name host2<br>
service_description Apache Processes<br> check_command check_proc!!1:10<br> }<br><br><br>In our current setup, only host1 or host2 should have OK for the Apache proc, the other should have Critical - which the check_cluster command picks up properly as seen here:<br>
<br>CLUSTER OK: Apache Pair: 1 ok, 0 warning, 0 unknown, 1 critical<br><br>>From here <a href="http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/clusters.html">http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/clusters.html</a> it states:<br><br>
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Now you'll need to create the "cluster" service and use the check_service_cluster command you just created as the cluster's check command. The example below gives an example of how to do this. The example below will generate a CRITICAL alert if 2 or more services in the cluster are in a non-OK state, and a WARNING alert if only 1 of the services is in a non-OK state. If all the individual service members of the cluster are OK, the cluster check will return an OK state as well.<br>
<br>define service{<br> ...<br> check_command check_service_cluster!"DNS Cluster"!1!2!$SERVICESTATEID:host1:DNS Service$,$SERVICESTATEID:host2:DNS Service$,$SERVICESTATEID:host3:DNS Service$<br> ...<br>
}<br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Our current setup of the check_cluster command mirrors the documentation of 1:2 for Warning/Critical. Since there is one of the services in a non-OK state, we expected the check_cluster command to have returned a Warning instead of OK - but it always returns OK. We have tried various different things with regards to the different warning/critical settings and can't seem to reliably get it to return the proper state.<br>
<br>Any thoughts here on what could be going on, or if there is an underlying issue with the check_cluster plugin in this version (I didn't see any updates in the changelog for check_cluster in the .12 and .13 updates)?<br>