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if the idea is for others not to see it... why not just ensure proper file ownership and limited permissions?<BR>
Assuming only Root and Nagios users can read the file... I'd think anyone that could become those users should be able to read them anyway.<BR><BR>-- <BR>Mat W. - <A href="http://www.techadre.com/">http://www.techadre.com</A><BR><BR><BR> <BR>
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Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 11:53:11 -0400<BR>From: ebaddouh@gmail.com<BR>To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net<BR>Subject: [Nagios-users] Configuration files obfuscation<BR><BR>Hi,<BR><BR>is ther a way to obfuscate configuration files?<BR><BR>edward<BR><br /><hr />Bing™ brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. <a href='http://www.bing.com/search?q=restaurants&form=MLOGEN&publ=WLHMTAG&crea=TEXT_MLOGEN_Core_tagline_local_1x1' target='_new'>Try it now.</a></body>