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that would be the rety interval setting for your check I believe.<BR>
for example... <BR>
check_interval 5 ; Actively check the host every 5 minutes<BR> retry_interval 1 ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals<BR><BR>-- <BR>Mat W. - <A href="http://www.techadre.com/">http://www.techadre.com</A><BR><BR><BR> <BR>
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Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 13:08:23 -0400<BR>From: prmsrnvs@gmail.com<BR>To: Nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net<BR>Subject: [Nagios-users] Time diference in Alert History<BR><BR>
Hi Nagios Experts,<BR> <BR>Below was the informatios i got from clicking " view alert history for the host" : <BR> <BR>[05-11-2009 16:46:57] HOST ALERT: benfwca;DOWN;HARD;5;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )<BR>[05-11-2009 16:43:36] HOST ALERT: benfwca;DOWN;SOFT;4;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )<BR>[05-11-2009 16:40:30] HOST ALERT: benfwca;DOWN;SOFT;3;FPING CRITICAL -(loss=100% )<BR>[05-11-2009 16:37:30] HOST ALERT: benfwca;DOWN;SOFT;2;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )<BR>[05-11-2009 16:34:16] HOST ALERT: benfwca;DOWN;SOFT;1;FPING CRITICAL - (loss=100% )<BR>
<DIV>here the "max_check_attepts" = 5 <BR> <BR>If you see above the time difference between SOFT 1 state and SOFT 2 state is approx = 3 min. Is it possible to make it 1 min.<BR> <BR>Please help me find the parameter that controls that time. <BR> <BR>Thanks in adv</DIV>
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