The service name is "AOS$01", not "AOS\$01". The backslash is added to escape the $.<br><br>I've tried the following combination:<br>$$<br>\$<br>\\$<br>$$$<br>\\\$<br>\\\$$<br><br>But no luck :(<br>
<br><br><br><div class="gmail_quote">2009/6/24 Mathew Walker <span dir="ltr"><<a href=""></a>></span><br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
I think you may need to escape the backslash itself with another backslash ... vaguely recall having to do that myself in some checks when passing values that had a backslash in it.<br>
<br>-- <br>Mat W. - <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br><br> <br>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:12:20 +0200<br>From: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>To: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Escaping broke i 3.1.1 ?<br><br>Hello,<br><br>Sorry for double posting, but wrong subject.<br>
<div><br>Ton:<br><br>Command line:<br>/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H <X> -c CheckServiceState -a AOS\$01 ShowAll=long<br>OK: AOS$01: started<br><br>Here is the host def:<br>define host {<br>use X<br>
<br>host_name X<br>address X<br>alias X<br><br><br>hostgroups +CRM4<br><br>#max_check_attempts 3<br>#check_interval 2<br>#retry_interval 1<br>
<br>#contact_groups +<br>#notifications_enabled 1<br><br>_CRM_SERVICES AOS\$01<br><br># Macros<br>_REQUESTOR<br><br>}<br><br>The service definition:<br>define service {<br># Which _template_* to use.<br>
# (e.g. standard-service-60)<br>use standard-service-1<br><br># Service spesific<br>service_description CRM Services
<div><br>check_command check_nrpe_parameters!CheckServiceState!ShowAll=long $_HOSTCRM_SERVICES<br></div>hostgroup_name CRM4<br><br># Per service options<br>first_notification_delay 10<br>
process_perf_data 0<br>notifications_enabled 1<br>max_check_attempts 2<br>retry_interval 5<br>}<br><br>The check command definition:<br>define command {<br> command_name check_nrpe_parameters<br>
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -t 15 -c $ARG1$ -a $ARG2$<br>}<br><br><br>It worked on Nagios 3.0.6. I've tried almost any combination of escaping the dollar sign, $$, \$, \\$$,\\\$.... You name it!<br>
<br>Thanks for your help,<br><font color="#888888"><br>Tore<br><br> </font></div>
<blockquote style="padding-left: 1ex;">Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 19:52:07 +0100<br>From: Ton Voon <<a></a>><br>Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Escaping broke i 3.1.1 ?<br>To: Nagios Users Mailinglist <<a></a>><br>
Message-ID: <<a></a>><br>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed; delsp=yes<br><br>Tore,<br><br>Can you send the configuration for the host and service too? Can you<br>
also send the check_nrpe_parameters command definition.<br><br>On the command line, what works?<br><br>Also, you said a previous version of Nagios worked with this<br>definition - which version of Nagios was that?<br><br>
Ton<br><br>On 23 Jun 2009, at 15:09, Tore L?n?y wrote:<br><br>> Let me see, this should be enough i think:<br>><br>> define host {<br>> host_name X<br>> alias X<br>> address X<br>
> check_period 24x7<br>> check_command check-host-alive<br>> contact_groups<br>> notification_period 24x7<br>> initial_state o<br>> check_interval 15.000000<br>
> retry_interval 5.000000<br>> max_check_attempts 3<br>> active_checks_enabled 1<br>> passive_checks_enabled 0<br>> obsess_over_host 1<br>> event_handler_enabled 0<br>
> low_flap_threshold 0.000000<br>> high_flap_threshold 0.000000<br>> flap_detection_enabled 1<br>> flap_detection_options o,d,u<br>> freshness_threshold 0<br>
> check_freshness 0<br>> notification_options d,r<br>> notifications_enabled 1<br>> notification_interval 60.000000<br>> first_notification_delay 60.000000<br>
> stalking_options n<br>> process_perf_data 1<br>> failure_prediction_enabled 1<br>> notes_url<br>> retain_status_information 1<br>> retain_nonstatus_information 1<br>
> _REQUESTOR<br>> _CRM_SERVICES "AOS$\$01"<br>> }<br>><br>> define service {<br>> host_name X<br>> service_description X<br>> check_period 24x7<br>
> check_command check_nrpe_parameters!CheckServiceState!<br>> ShowAll=long $_HOSTCRM_SERVICES<br>> contact_groups<br>> notification_period 24x7<br>> initial_state o<br>
> check_interval 1.000000<br>> retry_interval 5.000000<br>> max_check_attempts 2<br>> is_volatile 0<br>> parallelize_check 1<br>> active_checks_enabled 1<br>
> passive_checks_enabled 0<br>> obsess_over_service 0<br>> event_handler_enabled 0<br>> low_flap_threshold 0.000000<br>> high_flap_threshold 0.000000<br>
> flap_detection_enabled 1<br>> flap_detection_options o,w,u,c<br>> freshness_threshold 0<br>> check_freshness 0<br>> notification_options c,r<br>> notifications_enabled 1<br>
> notification_interval 60.000000<br>> first_notification_delay 10.000000<br>> stalking_options n<br>> process_perf_data 0<br>> failure_prediction_enabled 1<br>
> notes<br>> retain_status_information 1<br>> retain_nonstatus_information 1<br>> }<br>><br>> The problem for me it seems is when nagios is parsing the data just<br>
> before it is going to execute the command. It is no problem executes<br>> check_nrpe with ah backslash (\) as the escape char. But the problem<br>> for me is what escape char do i use in custom macros?<br><br><br>
<br></blockquote></div></div></div><br><br><br><hr>Lauren found her dream laptop. <a href="" target="_blank">Find the PC that’s right for you.</a></div>