Hi,<br><br>I need to check if a service is up and running on a secure server. The only way I can do it is to check the link -<br><span class="gI"><br><a href="https://secure.abc.net/something/some_transaction.dll">https://secure.abc.net/something/some_transaction.dll</a></span><br>
<br>If the service is up and running I get a message saying -<br>"The user ID or password is invalid"<br><br>If the service is not running, then I get aother message saying - "Service is not running"<br>
<br>My http_check comamnd for this is :<br><br>$USER1$/check_http -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u /nagios -S -s "The user ID or password is invalid"<br><br><br>PROBLEM:<br>Hostaddress is <a href="http://secure.abc.net">secure.abc.net</a><br>
<br>How do I send something/some_transaction.dll also in the link?<br><br>I did read something about '-k 'option with check_http...could please help me with an example using '-k' iff that's indeed a solution for this problem.<br>