Hi,<br>I've recently changed the authentication scheme for my nagios installion from htpasswd files to active directory authentication using active directory. I can login fine but I'm presented with the "It appears as though you do not have permission to view information for any of the services you requested..." screen whenever I try to access any of the cgi pages. Authentication definitely works as the initial login and navigation works and I even see my name in the logs. But for some reason the cgi pages are all restricted. I'm even setup in cgi.cfg as authorized_for_all_*<br>
<br>Something tells me that nagios is seeing my username as something different than what's in apache but that's just a guess. Any ideas?<br><br>Relevant section of httpd conf file included here...<br><br> <Directory /><br>
SSLRequireSSL<br> Options -Indexes<br> AuthType Basic<br> AuthName "Nagios Login"<br> AuthBasicProvider ldap<br> AuthzLDAPAuthoritative Off<br>
AuthLDAPURL "ldap://<a href="http://ldapserver.net:389/ou=myOU,dc=myDC,dc=net?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)">ldapserver.net:389/ou=myOU,dc=myDC,dc=net?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)</a>"<br>
AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=USER,ou=myOU1,ou=myOU2,ou=myOU3,dc=myDC,dc=net"<br> AuthLDAPBindPassword PASSWORD<br> Require ldap-group cn=myCN,ou=myOU1,ou=myOU2,ou=myOU3,ou=myOU4,dc=myDC,dc=net<br>
ErrorDocument 401 /noaccess.html<br> ErrorDocument 403 /noaccess.html<br> </Directory><br><br><br><br>