I have a nagios setup consisting of 2 distributed servers and one master using nsca. I'm having an issue where notifications aren't being sent for hosts going down or becoming unreachable but I see them in that state in the GUI and the logs. If a service check fails the notification is sent fine but if the whole box dies I'm never seeing a host down/unreachable alert. In fact there is no notification listed in the notification history so it seems to be a config issue. But I've looked through all of the configs multiple times and just can't figure this out. <br>
<br>My host, service and contacts are defined with the following templates:<br><br>define host{<br> name standard-host<br> max_check_attempts 3<br> check_interval 15<br>
retry_interval 5<br> check_command check-host-alive<br> check_period 24x7<br> notifications_enabled 1<br> retain_status_information 1<br>
retain_nonstatus_information 1<br> contacts ops<br> notification_interval 15<br> notification_period 24x7<br> check_freshness 1<br>
freshness_threshold 300<br> register 0<br> }<br><br><br>define service{<br> name standard-service<br> max_check_attempts 3<br>
check_interval 5<br> retry_interval 3<br> check_period 24x7<br> notification_interval 10<br> notification_period 24x7<br>
notification_options u,c,r<br> contacts ops<br> register 0<br> check_freshness 1<br> freshness_threshold 300<br>
}<br><br>define contact{<br> name standard-contact<br> host_notifications_enabled 1<br> service_notifications_enabled 1<br> host_notification_period 24x7<br>
service_notification_period 24x7<br> host_notification_options d,u,r<br> service_notification_options c,u,r<br> host_notification_commands host-notify-by-email<br> service_notification_commands notify-by-email-verbose<br>
register 0<br> }<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>