All,<br> I am seeing the following error. I saw some issues mentioned about this on version 2. Can anyone advise on this. Thanks<br><br>[Sun Oct 4 02:00:57 2009];Warning: A system time change of 0d 1h 19m 53s (forwards in time) has been detected. Compensating...<br>
[Mon Oct 5 02:01:56 2009];Warning: A system time change of 0d 2h 29m 29s (forwards in time) has been detected. Compensating...<br>[Tue Oct 6 00:01:49 2009];Warning: A system time change of 0d 0h 23m 1s (forwards in time) has been detected. Compensating...<br>
<br><br>-- <br>Cordially,<br>Shadhin Rahman<br>