Hi,<br><div class="gmail_quote"><br>I've searched and found similar posts but unfortunately no replies to this type of problem. I'd expect this to be a common problem but maybe I've misread the documentation.<br>
<br>On Nagios 3.2.0 we have service notifications set to go out for Warning and for Critical states to an email address 24x7.<br>
<br>In addition during 'after hours', the on-call engineer receives SMS alerts for all Critical notifications and the backup engineer should receive escalations after the 4th Critical notification. However, last night the backup engineer received an SMS on the second Critical notification.<br>
<br><br>define serviceescalation{<br>hostgroup_name switches,primary_nodes,secondary_nodes<br>service_description *<br>first_notification 4<br>last_notification 0<br>notification_interval 5<br>contact_groups PrimaryAH,SecondaryAH<br>
escalation_period afterhours<br>escalation_options u,c<br>}<br><br># Primary After-hours contacts<br>define contactgroup{<br> contactgroup_name PrimaryAH<br> alias Primary After-Hours contact<br>
members supportEmail,Engineer1<br>}<br><br># Secondary After-hours contacts<br>define contactgroup{<br> contactgroup_name SecondaryAH<br> alias Secondary After-Hours contact<br>
members supportEmail,Engineer2<br>}<br><br><br><br><br><br>It appears that escalation procedure ignores the actual sate when counting notifications. So if the 1st notification is critical and the 4th is critical but 2-3 are Warnings the 4th notification is escalated as it is critical. Eventhough only 1 critical notification was sent and the other 2 were warnings. I was hoping that on the 4th critical notification Nagios escalates.<br>
<br>See event log below:<br><br>Service Notification [10-26-2009 23:48:32] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: Engineer2;winapps1;NT memory usage;CRITICAL;notify-service-by-sms;Mem: 984 MB (96%) / 1023 MB (3%) Paged Mem: 1189 MB (48%) / 2469 MB (51%)<br>
<br>Service Notification[10-26-2009 23:48:32] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: Engineer1;winapps1;NT memory usage;CRITICAL;notify-service-by-sms;Mem: 984 MB (96%) / 1023 MB (3%) Paged Mem: 1189 MB (48%) / 2469 MB (51%<br><br><br><br>
Service Notification[10-26-2009 23:38:32] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: supportEmail;winapps1;NT memory usage;WARNING;notify-service-by-email;Mem: 950 MB (92%) / 1023 MB (7%) Paged Mem: 1219 MB (49%) / 2469 MB (50%)<br><br><br>Service Notification[10-26-2009 23:28:32] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: supportEmail;winapps1;NT memory usage;WARNING;notify-service-by-email;Mem: 881 MB (86%) / 1023 MB (13%) Paged Mem: 1192 MB (48%) / 2469 MB (51%)<br>
<br><br>Service Notification[10-26-2009 23:18:32] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: supportEmail;winapps1;NT memory usage;CRITICAL;notify-service-by-email;Mem: 1006 MB (98%) / 1023 MB (1%) Paged Mem: 1152 MB (46%) / 2469 MB (53%)<br>
<br>Service Notification[10-26-2009 23:18:32] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: Engineer1;winapps1;NT memory usage;CRITICAL;notify-service-by-sms;Mem: 1006 MB (98%) / 1023 MB (1%) Paged Mem: 1152 MB (46%) / 2469 MB (53%)<br><br><br>
Is there a way to avoid this behaviour?<br>