Hi all,<br><br>I currently use host and service templates to add contacts for specific hosts and services. For example, for most of my services, only the admins need to be notified if the service goes down. For a few (critical) services, however, additional people need to be notified if the service goes down. I achieve this by adding an extra service template to these critical services -- the extra service template has a "contact_groups +critical-contacts" directive in it.<br>
<br>This works fine, except that I have to define extra services because of this. For example, I run "check_http" service checks for a lot of hosts, but only "check_http" service checks on some (critical) hosts need to have the above 'critical-contacts' people notified if the HTTP service goes down. So, I need to define one "check_http" service for all the hosts with normal notifications and another "check_http" service for the critical HTTP services. That's a simple example... I have a lot of contactgroups and a lot of services, some of which are 'critical' services.<br>
<br>I've recently thought that it would be much nicer to control contacts through hostgroups and servicegroups rather than templates. Because it isn't possible to define contacts for hostgroups and servicegroups, I tried creating a service template and having it as part of a servicegroup, and having the "critical-host,check_http" service be a part of the servicegroup. Unfortunately, it didn't work (i.e. the contacts for the service template didn't get notified when the service went down).<br>
<br>Anyway, two questions:<br><br>* Is anyone out there using hostgroups or servicegroups to control contacts/contactgroups? If so, how?<br><br>* Is there any other way (other than applying extra templates to hosts/services to define extra contacts) that I can control contacts/contactgroups like this?<br>