Hi list,<br><br>I want to define service dependency, i have read the relevant nagios docs but I am not getting how to define one. we are running nagios 3.2.x (pre build binary on centos 5.4)<br>Eg, I want to define service dependency for all services that been checked with nrpe, ie if nrpe not running on remote host then nagios shouldn't send notifications for these services instead just for nrpe.<br>
<br>Few days back our monitoring host send lot of notifications coz of nrpe wasn't running on remote hosts, in this case I want nagios only alert for 'nrpe' not all the services that being checked with nrpe.<br>
<br>1. So first I have define a service to check nrpe on remote hosts.<br><br># Command def for checking nrpe on remote hosts.<br>define command{<br> command_name nrpe_service<br> command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$<br>
}<br><br><br>2. define a service for each hostgroup.<br><br># service def.<br>define service{<br> use check-interval-service<br> service_description nrpe<br> check_command nrpe_service<br>
hostgroup_name Sol-Servers<br> }<br><br>So far so good, I have several hosts (linux, solaris, hp) all of them have the following standard service definition for checking remote hosts service via check_nrpe<br>
<br>define service{<br> use local-service<br> host_name BB-2,NB-1<br> service_description SCC Procs<br> check_command check_nrpe!check_scc_procs<br>
}<br>define service{<br> use local-service<br> host_name BB-2<br> service_description SCC Partition<br> check_command nrpe_disk!check_disk4<br>
}<br><br>we have 5-10 nrpe check for each hosts which are scattered in different hostgroups. <br><br>Now how to define a dependency so that if 'nrpe' service fail on remote hosts nagios shouldn't send alerts for services whom check via nrpe.<br>
<br>Any configuration example will be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Due to binary version of nagios installed it will not possible for me to go for any patching solution.<br><br>Thanks.<br>