I originally set up my nagios environment with an administrative user named nagiosadmin and basic authentication. At that time everything worked fine. I tried to set up Active Directory authentication, but that caused numerous problems, including the fact that my Active Directory users couldn't do things like re-schedule service checks. At the time, I thought this was an AD issue. I have since decided to abandon AD authentication altogether, although I'm now using Digest authentication (per the official documentation) instead of Basic. Now, however, I'm still finding that I can't re-schedule service checks (or schedule downtime) as any user other than nagiosadmin. I have created passwords for both users in my .digest_pw file. My cgi.cfg file shows:<br>
authorized_for_all_service_commands=michellea,nagiosadmin<br>default_statusmap_layout=5<br>default_statuswrl_layout=4<br>refresh_rate=90<br>ping_syntax=/bin/ping -n -U -c 5 $HOSTADDRESS$<br>main_config_file=/etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg<br>
<br>The user michellea is also set as a contact for all of the hosts. When I log in to the web interface, it shows "Logged in as <i>michellea</i>." I can see all information for all hosts and services, but I still can't issue commands. What am I missing?<br>