Hi,<br><br>I have a long list of sites which I monitor with check_http, the sites are part of one application and usually if one site goes down they are all down. What I want to do is configure servicedependency so I can minimise the amount of notifications going out but obviously notify if individual sites go down too.<br>
<br>This is what I have currently<br><br>define servicedependency{<br> hostgroup_name win-sites<br> service_description HTTP Check<br> dependent_hostgroup_name win-sites<br>
dependent_service_description HTTP2 Check<br> notification_failure_criteria c,u<br> execution_failure_criteria o,c,w,u,p<br> }<br><br>HTTP check & HTTP2 check are doing the same thing.<br>
<br>What would be the best way to deal with this?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Will<br>