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Heya!<br><br>im currently trying to get a decent graphicsystem online to somewhat replace our Cacti. I know nagiosgraph doesn't really do that but it does fit our needs :)<br>Im trying to re-write this config file to create nice shiney graphs for my monitored services, but so far no luck. <br><br>This is the template for ping, but if i would change it for maybe checking CPU Load, how would I do so? What are the variables i need to change, this is what i cant figure out.<br>Worth knowing is that our more or less whole system is built on passive checks that now (Thanks alot to Greg on this mailing list) works flawless.<br><br>I have also edited nagios.cfg to enable performance graphing, so that is OK :)<br><br><pre>#---<br>#NagiosGrapherTemplateforcheck_ping<br>#Author:MariusHein<br>#---<br><br>define ngraph{<br> service_name PING<br> graph_log_regex loss = (\d+)<br> graph_value Loss<br> graph_units %<br> graph_legend Loss<br> graph_legend_eol none<br> page 2 Loss<br> rrd_plottype LINE2<br> rrd_color ff0000<br>}<br><br>#PingDEFRTA<br>define ngraph{<br> service_name PING<br> graph_log_regex rta = (\d+[,\.]\d+)<br> graph_value RTA<br> graph_units ms<br> graph_legend RTA<br> page 1 RTA<br> rrd_plottype AREA<br> rrd_color 00a000<br>}<br><br>#PingVDEF,AverageRTA<br>define ngraph{<br> service_name PING<br> type VDEF<br> graph_value vdef_ping_average<br> graph_units<br> graph_legend RTA Average<br> graph_calc RTA,AVERAGE<br> graph_legend_eol LEFT<br> page 1 RTA<br> rrd_plottype LINE1<br> rrd_color 0000ff<br> hide no<br>}<br></pre> </body>