Hello Team,<br><br>The question I have is the same of already reported in the link <a href="http://nsclient.com/nscp/discussion/topic/466#-1">http://nsclient.com/nscp/discussion/topic/466#-1</a>. The diagram and scenario is the same reported in the link <a href="http://nsclient.com/nscp/wiki/doc/usage/nagios/nrpe">http://nsclient.com/nscp/wiki/doc/usage/nagios/nrpe</a> but with a second remote Firewall.<br>
<br>Basically, I know how to configure a remote Windows computer with a fix TCP-IP address but I have no idea how to configure a remote Windows NSClient or an NRPE UNIX client installed behind a remote Firewall. The remote subnet has a NAT in this case and how the Nagios server can reach a remote client in this scenario? <br>
Any idea?<br><br>Thanks.<br>Regards<br>Salvo<br><br><br>