Hello all,<br>i'm monitoring several Dell windows servers with nagios and NSClient++ and OMSA + check_openmanage.<br>On one of these, i'm getting a problem monitoring the redundant power supplies.<br><br>Running the command below LOCALLY on the machine being monitored i got the right data from omreport.exe:<br>
<br>c:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\SysMgt\oma\bin>omreport.exe chassis pwrsupplies<br>Power Supplies Information<br><br>---------------------------------------<br>Main System Chassis Power Supplies : Ok<br>---------------------------------------<br>
<br>Power Supply Redundancy : Ok<br>Attribute : Redundancy Status<br>Value : Full<br>Individual Power Supply Elements<br>Index : 0<br>Status : Ok<br>Location : PS 1 Status<br>
Type : AC<br>Rated Input Wattage : 680 W<br>Maximum Output Wattage : 500 W<br>Online Status : Presence Detected<br>Power Monitoring Capable : Yes<br><br>Index : 1<br>
Status : Ok<br>Location : PS 2 Status<br>Type : AC<br>Rated Input Wattage : 680 W<br>Maximum Output Wattage : 500 W<br>Online Status : Presence Detected<br>
Power Monitoring Capable : Yes<br clear="all"><br>running the below command (the ones needed to check_openmanage):<br><br>c:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\SysMgt\oma\bin>c:\Users\administrator.CMVC\Desktop\check_openmanage.exe --omreport "c:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\SysMg<br>
mreport.exe"<br>Problem running 'omreport chassis pwrmonitoring': Error: Current probes not found<br><br>i've noticed that the switches coming from check_openmanage are slightly different from the ones passed from omreport.exe<br>
("omreport chassis pwrmonitoring" instead of "omreport chassis pwrsupplies")<br><br>so it seems that check_openmanage has the wrong switches regard to the powermonitoring check status; or maybe the omsa version i'm using is not at the correct version to work in the right way with check_openmanage.<br>
<br>versions:<br><br>check_openmanage: latest available (3.6.8 - windows executable)<br>omsa:<br>so: windows 2008 storage server SP2<br>
<br>any lights on this?<br><br>Many thanks<br><br><br>