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Quoting Edward Morbius <dredmorbius@gmail.com>:<br />
><br />
> When some things are going well and others aren't fully up to speed (slow<br />
> database), we'll get a "DATABASE_TEST_RAN_LONG", which isn't ideal, but at<br />
> least for a few occurances (n <= 5) we can live with. In particular, we<br />
> DON'T want a single result sounding off pagers in the middle of the night.<br />
<br />
You can specify -e "OK,DATABASE_TEST_RAN_LONG", then let the plugin decide if it's slow or not, with the -w, -c and -t parameters.<br />
<br />
Terry<br />
<br />
[-w <warn time>] [-c <critical time>] [-t <timeout>] [<br />
><br />
> The current test looks like:<br />
><br />
> define command{<br />
> command_name check_jetty<br />
> command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H<br />
> '$HOSTADDRESS$' -u /serviceStatus -e 200 -s OK<br />
> }<br />
><br />
> What would be a sane process of getting Nagios to:<br />
><br />
> - Report all clear when we get a 200 status and "OK" text on page?<br />
> - Wait for 6 consecutive instances of "DATABASE_TEST_RAN_LONG" before<br />
> alerting for that result.<br />
> - Alert immediately on any cases not matching one of the above?<br />
><br />
> I don't believe we can capture this in a single test unless I'm missing<br />
> something.<br />
><br />
> Thanks in advance.<br />
><br />
> --<br />
> Dr. Ed Morbius<br />
> Chief Scientist<br />
> Krell Power Systems Unlimited<br />
><br />
<p class="imp-signature">
--<br />
Terry Carmen<br />
CNY Support, LLC<br />
Web. Database. Business.<br />
<a href="http://www.cnysupport.com" target="_blank">http://www.cnysupport.com</a>