Hello!<br><br>I added "initial_state u" to passive service
template definition, but after restart Nagios, all passive service
checks have the status "PENDING" , not "UNKNOWN"<br><br>
define service{<br> name passive-service<br> retain_status_information <div id=":1qq"> 0 <br> retain_nonstatus_information 0 <br> active_checks_enabled 0<br>
passive_checks_enabled 1 <br>
flap_detection_enabled 0<br> is_volatile 0 <br> check_period 24x7<br> max_check_attempts 1 <br> normal_check_interval 5<br> retry_check_interval 1 <br>
check_freshness 1 <br> freshness_threshold 15 ; seconds <br> initial_state u <br> contact_groups admins<br> check_command check_dummy!0 <br>
notification_interval 60 <br> notification_period 24x7<br> notification_options w,u,c,r<br> stalking_options w,c,u<br> register 0 <br> }<br><br>Whats wrong?<br>