Logging issues ...

Brian Ipsen Brian.Ipsen at andebakken.dk
Sun Nov 24 23:42:56 CET 2002


 How come that no notifications or alerts are listed on the web interface ?
In nagios.cfg I have (among other):

# If you want messages logged to the syslog facility, as well as the
# NetAlarm log file set this option to 1.  If not, set it to 0.


And I can see a lot of entries in my syslog messages file - but using the
webinterface I'm told that no notificationes or alerts have been sent..

This is from the syslog:

Nov 24 23:20:06 sigma nagios: HOST ALERT: iota;DOWN;SOFT;4;CRITICAL - Plugin
timed out after 10 seconds
Nov 24 23:20:06 sigma nagios: HOST ALERT: iota;UP;SOFT;5;PING OK - Packet
loss = 0%, RTA = 3.03 ms
Nov 24 23:20:06 sigma nagios: SERVICE ALERT:
iota;PING;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;CRITICAL - Plugin timed out after 10 seconds
Nov 24 23:20:16 sigma nagios: SERVICE ALERT: iota;PING;OK;SOFT;2;PING OK -
Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.62 ms

All possible MySQL has been switched on during compiling - But I assume I
still should get the notifications listed on the webinterface ??


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