Some things don't work

Dimitri Yioulos dyioulos at
Tue Nov 23 23:41:39 CET 2004

>You need to install nagios-plugins-nrpe, and nagios-nrpe


>When you call a plugin through linux, you use check_nrpe on the nagios host
machine and that calls the plugin on the remote box, so the plugin must


>Nagios-nrpe is the required service that must be running, and your
/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg will be the file that you can give variables for the
plugin calls. Nrpe needs to be >running on the remote box.


>So if you wanted to check_disk on the linux box, you want nrpe on, and
chkconfig it on so it always starts. Open nrpe.cfg and edit the check_disk
check to your liking, >make sure nrpe.cfg includes the ip address of your
Nagios Host box to allow check_nrpe to call it.


>To get the variables you can add, you'd do ./check_disk -help in the
plugins directory (something like /usr/lib/nagios/plugins)


>I'm rather new as well, but that's my understanding.




So, I would run the nagios-plugins-nrpe rpm on the remote machines (all are
CentOS 3.3, except for one FC2)?  Are there other plugins I have to add?
What would I do to the FC2 box (there is a Dag nagios-plugins-nrpe rpm for
FC2)?  Sorry for my denseness.

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