James Noyes jnoyes-nagios at
Tue Mar 21 08:14:35 CET 2006

On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 11:36:55 +1100,
"Matthew Joyce" <MJoyce at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is driving me nuts, I really needs some help.
> I'm trying to monitor some hardware statuses via SNMP.
Ok, I use SNMP to query about 95% of the "things" I monitor under Nagios.
It works like a champ, and is one of the best ways to monitor things, IMHO.

> As a reference I'm using this FAQ entry

Ok.  Have you actually DONE what this FAQ suggests?  It says:

"check_snmp returns a WARNING if the local net-snmp or ucd-snmp installation
 has MIB files with incorrect syntax."


1. Prevent check_snmp from loading the MIBs (default behaviour) by using
 numeric oids AND using the "-m :" option"

Yet, none of your examples show you using "-m :" as an option.  Have you tried
 actually adding "-m :" as an option like the FAQ says to do to see if the
 WARNING goes away, or if you get any different results?  Show us.


"2. run the snmpget command on the command line, check which MIB files is the
 problem, and correct it"

Here again, I don't see anywhere that you've actually tried to just directly
 run snmpget like the FAQ suggests, you're just running different variations
 of check_snmp.   Show us what snmpget says.

If you're going to read an FAQ, try actually using the information it presents.

Now, if you've actually TRIED solutions 1 and 2, and neither has solved the
 problem (it's not clear that you have tried them, let alone that they haven't
 succeeded), there's a couple of other possibilities.

> And this WIKI entry
> rd]=Dell%20OpenManage%20status%20OIDs
> I can query the server in a number of ways...
> command : ./check_snmp -H server -C foo -o
> . -w 4:4 -c 5:6
> Result : SNMP WARNING - ok(3)

From this, it looks like you're trying to treat return values of 0-3 as "ok",
 4 as "warning" and 5-6 as critical.  Pay close attention to the output of
 "./check_snmp --help", especially this part:

 -w, --warning=INTEGER_RANGE(s)
    Range(s) which will not result in a WARNING status
 -c, --critical=INTEGER_RANGE(s)
    Range(s) which will not result in a CRITICAL status

The "not" in these instructions is very important.  With the above
 parameters, a 3 would fall outside both the Warning and Critical ranges, so
 you won't get an OK.  You should, however, be getting a CRITICAL, since a
 CRITICAL overrides a WARNING.  The fact that you're getting WARNING,
 suggests that you really DO have the problem mentioned in the FAQ and that
 you haven't actually corrected it through one of the two provided solutions.

Anyway, the CORRECT syntax to accomplish what you want to accomplish is:
  ./check_snmp -H server -C foo -o .
      -w 0:3 -c 0:4

Or, you could do it as:
  ./check_snmp -H server -C foo -o .
      -w 6:4 -c 6:5

The second version will work because of how ranges work.
 Also from ./check_snmp --help:

- Ranges are inclusive and are indicated with colons. When specified as
  'min:max' a STATE_OK will be returned if the result is within the indicated
  range or is equal to the upper or lower bound. A non-OK state will be
  returned if the result is outside the specified range.
- If specified in the order 'max:min' a non-OK state will be returned if the
  result is within the (inclusive) range.

> How do I get this command to work, it really very fraustrating ?

FIRST and FOREMOST, make sure your snmpget isn't throwing a MIB error.
 Actually DO what the FAQ says, SHOW that you've done it, and SHOW what
 the results were.

> Am I missing something fundamental about this command ?
It appears that you missed the 'min:max' vs. 'max:min' thing on the ranges,
 but 1) that's a common oversight, and 2) it doesn't appear to be the real
 reason you're getting nothing but warnings.

Hopefully that helps get you on the right track.
James Noyes
(jnoyes42 at

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