long_plugin_output problems?

Alessandro Ren alessandro.ren at opservices.com.br
Tue Dec 15 14:23:26 CET 2009

     Is it right the way nagios 3.2.0 is escaping the strinf for the 
     It is strange to me the way it is doing. Bellow is the output from 
nrpe escaped by nagios in a check.


long_plugin_output=NRPE Plugin for Nagios\\\\nCopyright (c) 1999-2007 
Ethan Galstad (nagios at nagios.org)\\\\nVersion: 2.8.1\\\\nLast Modified: 
05-10-2007\\\\nLicense: GPL v2 with exemptions (-l for more 
info)\\\\nSSL/TLS Available: Anonymous DH Mode, OpenSSL 0.9.6 or higher 
required\\\\n\\\\nUsage: check_nrpe -H <host> [-n] [-u] [-p <port>] [-t 
<timeout>] [-c <command>] [-a <arglist...>]\\\\n\\\\nOptions:\\\\n 
-n         = Do no use SSL\\\\n -u         = Make socket timeouts return 
an UNKNOWN state instead of CRITICAL\\\\n <host>     = The address of 
the host running the NRPE daemon\\\\n [port]     = The port on which the 
daemon is running (default=5666)\\\\n [timeout]  = Number of seconds 
before connection times out (default=10)\\\\n [command]  = The name of 
the command that the remote daemon should run\\\\n [arglist]  = Optional 
arguments that should be passed to the command.  
Multiple\\\\n              arguments should be separated by a space.  If 
provided, this must be\\\\n              the last option supplied on the 
command line.\\\\n\\\\nNote:\\\\nThis plugin requires that you have the 
NRPE daemon running on the remote host.\\\\nYou must also have 
configured the daemon to associate a specific plugin command\\\\nwith 
the [command] option you are specifying here.  Upon receipt of 
the\\\\n[command] argument, the NRPE daemon will run the appropriate 
plugin command and\\\\nsend the plugin output and return code back to 
*this* plugin.  This allows you\\\\nto execute plugins on remote hosts 
and fake the results to make Nagios think\\\\nthe plugin is being run 

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