long_plugin_output problems?
Alessandro Ren
alessandro.ren at opservices.com.br
Tue Dec 15 16:41:35 CET 2009
This is the same long_plugin_output generated by nagios 3.0.6, I
think something changed in the escape code. Any ideas?
long_plugin_output=NRPE - Nagios Remote Plugin
Executor\nCopyright (c) 1999-2007 Ethan Galstad
(nagios at nagios.org)\nVersion: 2.8.1\nLast Modified: 05-10-2007\nLicense:
GPL v2 with exemptions (-l for more info)\nSSL/TLS Available: Anonymous
DH Mode, OpenSSL 0.9.6 or higher required\nTCP Wrappers
Read the NRPE SECURITY file for more information
nrpe [-n] -c <config_file> <mode>\n\nOptions:\n -n = Do not
use SSL\n <config_file> = Name of config file to use\n <mode> =
One of the following two operating modes:\n -i = Run as a
service under inetd or xinetd\n -d = Run as a standalone
daemon\n\nNotes:\nThis program is designed to process requests from the
check_nrpe\nplugin on the host(s) running Nagios. It can run as a
service\nunder inetd or xinetd (read the docs for info on this), or as
a\nstandalone daemon. Once a request is received from an
authorized\nhost, NRPE will execute the command/plugin (as defined in
the\nconfig file) and return the plugin output and return code to
the\ncheck_nrpe plugin.\n\n
On 12/15/2009 11:23 AM, Alessandro Ren wrote:
> Is it right the way nagios 3.2.0 is escaping the strinf for the
> long_plugin_output?
> It is strange to me the way it is doing. Bellow is the output from
> nrpe escaped by nagios in a check.
> Tks.
> long_plugin_output=NRPE Plugin for Nagios\\\\nCopyright (c) 1999-2007
> Ethan Galstad (nagios at nagios.org)\\\\nVersion: 2.8.1\\\\nLast Modified:
> 05-10-2007\\\\nLicense: GPL v2 with exemptions (-l for more
> info)\\\\nSSL/TLS Available: Anonymous DH Mode, OpenSSL 0.9.6 or higher
> required\\\\n\\\\nUsage: check_nrpe -H<host> [-n] [-u] [-p<port>] [-t
> <timeout>] [-c<command>] [-a<arglist...>]\\\\n\\\\nOptions:\\\\n
> -n = Do no use SSL\\\\n -u = Make socket timeouts return
> an UNKNOWN state instead of CRITICAL\\\\n<host> = The address of
> the host running the NRPE daemon\\\\n [port] = The port on which the
> daemon is running (default=5666)\\\\n [timeout] = Number of seconds
> before connection times out (default=10)\\\\n [command] = The name of
> the command that the remote daemon should run\\\\n [arglist] = Optional
> arguments that should be passed to the command.
> Multiple\\\\n arguments should be separated by a space. If
> provided, this must be\\\\n the last option supplied on the
> command line.\\\\n\\\\nNote:\\\\nThis plugin requires that you have the
> NRPE daemon running on the remote host.\\\\nYou must also have
> configured the daemon to associate a specific plugin command\\\\nwith
> the [command] option you are specifying here. Upon receipt of
> the\\\\n[command] argument, the NRPE daemon will run the appropriate
> plugin command and\\\\nsend the plugin output and return code back to
> *this* plugin. This allows you\\\\nto execute plugins on remote hosts
> and fake the results to make Nagios think\\\\nthe plugin is being run
> locally.\\\\n\\\\n
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