Am I missing an option? : SOLVED
Gareth Hash
fyzix at
Tue May 27 19:37:59 CEST 2003
The cause of this problem was the same as that for hosts and services
intermittently disappearing. There was more than one nagios process
running at the same time, thereby causing conflicts.
--- Gareth Hash <fyzix at> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am having some trouble with the log rotations. The current day's
> logs are fine in nagios.log . However when it comes time for a
> rotation, the file supposed to contain those logs in the archive is
> blank. So a file such as nagios-05-20-2003-00.log has just one line
> in it : [1053403200] LOG ROTATION: DAILY
> None of the logs recorded for that day are available. It is almost
> as
> if nagios.log is deleted BEFORE the contents are copied over to the
> archives, instead of the other way around. Or am I missing an
> option?
> I have the following set in nagios.cfg :
> log_rotation_method=d
> log_archive_path=/opt/nagios/var/archives
> This is on a critical server, and your earliest possible response
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you for your time and attention.
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