Am I missing an option? : SOLVED
Carroll, Jim P [Contractor]
jcarro10 at
Tue May 27 22:59:56 CEST 2003
Yup. It's already in the FAQ:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gareth Hash [mailto:fyzix at]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:38 PM
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Am I missing an option? : SOLVED
> The cause of this problem was the same as that for hosts and services
> intermittently disappearing. There was more than one nagios process
> running at the same time, thereby causing conflicts.
> --- Gareth Hash <fyzix at> wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I am having some trouble with the log rotations. The current day's
> > logs are fine in nagios.log . However when it comes time for a
> > rotation, the file supposed to contain those logs in the archive is
> > blank. So a file such as nagios-05-20-2003-00.log has just one line
> >
> > in it : [1053403200] LOG ROTATION: DAILY
> >
> > None of the logs recorded for that day are available. It is almost
> > as
> > if nagios.log is deleted BEFORE the contents are copied over to the
> > archives, instead of the other way around. Or am I missing an
> > option?
> >
> >
> > I have the following set in nagios.cfg :
> >
> > log_rotation_method=d
> > log_archive_path=/opt/nagios/var/archives
> >
> >
> > This is on a critical server, and your earliest possible response
> > would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Thank you for your time and attention.
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