Monitoring Dell stuff?

Richard NAGY r.nagy at
Wed Jul 7 09:41:29 CEST 2004

Hello Jonathan,

I'm using DELL machines with RAID. Recently, I was in the same situation 
as you. I was looking on the net for something and I did find some small 
things which get me started. So I have done the job myself except for 
the first script, which I adapted for my personal use with nagios. Well, 
my problems were that I have 4 different DELL machines with four 
different hardware RAID! So, it was a bit longer to handle.
On 4 machines, I solved 3. The last one, I have called DELL. They told 
me that it is not possible for that card on that OS (RedHat 6.2 -- too 
old, so is the card!)

So, here is some things that may help you (for monitoring) :

Dell PowerEdge 2450 with a DELL PERC 3/Si (driver percraid) : OK with afacli
Dell PowerEdge 2650 with a DELL PERC 3/Di (driver aacraid) : OK with afacli
Dell PowerEdge 1750 with a DELL PERC 4/Di (driver megaraid) : OK with proc
Dell PowerEdge 2450 with a DELL PERC 2/DC (driver megaraid) : NOT OK

There is an other solution for monitoring on some cards but I don't have 
the time to test. It is with DOMSA (Dell Open Manage Server 
Administrator with an SNMP agent).

So, I attached my two personal scripts for nagios.

Note :
* with afacli, the whole RAID is checked
* with proc, each disk of the RAID container is checked

comments are welcome!  ;-)

Jonathan Nichols wrote :

> Greetings all..
>     Are any of you using Linux on the Dell PowerEdge boxes? If yes, 
> what are you using to monitor the RAID status (if you're using RAID) - 
> currently my method consists of checking /proc/megaraid/hba0/ and 
> doing this:
> jnichols at mailgate hba0 $ sudo cat raiddrives-0-9
> Logical drive: 0:, state: optimal
> Span depth:  1, RAID level:  1, Stripe size: 64, Row size:  2
> Read Policy: Adaptive, Write Policy: Write back, Cache Policy: Direct IO
> jnichols at mailgate hba0 $
> That method sucks. I need to find something better. :) The Dell RAID 
> monitoring tools are an absolute joke, and seem to be Red Hat specific 
> (I don't use Red Hat..using Gentoo)
> Has anybody run into this?
> Thanks!
> -Jonathan
> (ps, yes, I checked Google..didn't find a lot, was hoping for personal 
> experiences)
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