AW: Cascading Services/Service hierarchy

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Mon Sep 27 14:03:53 CEST 2004

Mohr James wrote:
> I ran into another issue related to a service hierarchy. You said "So
> both service definitions are esential." So far, so good. What I am
> seeing is that there is always a "host" at the top level. That is, at
> the top of the hierarchy is a "host" even if it is not really a host,
> but a service.

If you stop to think about it, you'll notice that all services provided 
in a network requires code to be run on one or another device. Think of 
a device as a host and you'll be just fine.

>  If this is simply the way it is, I can deal with it.
> I am just curious if that is the way it is.

It's the way it works in the physical world. Nagios (2.0) let's you 
abstract this by configuring service groups to help you get a quick 
overview of all the separate services included in a service-flow (proxy, 
web-server, loadbalancer, database replication servers, database master 
server to mention a very common example).

For an admin, it's utterly unhelpful to get a notification saying "The 
customer support FAQ doesn't work". This doesn't bring the admin any 
closer to a solution and the first customer that calls in will tell him 
the exact same thing. If, on the other hand, he received a notification 
saying "CPU Load on the customer support load balancer is 100%", he'd 
immediately know where the problem resides and thus be a good step 
closer to fixing it.

> Is there any way to create a multi-level heirarchy? Looking at the
> status maps on the Netway site, it does look like there are multiple
> levels. Is this just the representation of the dependencies or can
> you actually create multiple levels?

Every network with more than one switch IS a multi-level hierarchy in 
the physical world. If you've configured things correctly (parents etc) 
these are the levels you'll see.

> By the way, what are people using for the 3d status map? I downloaded
> the Cortona player listed on the site and the maps doesn't
> look very good. Any recommendations?

Google for it, or fix the statusvrml.cgi program to create prettier vrml.

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Lead Developer

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