AW: AW: Cascading Services/Service hierarchy

Mohr James james.mohr at
Mon Sep 27 15:44:57 CEST 2004

> I haven't had a look at VPO, but it sounds like Nagios and 
> VPO works in 
> a similar fashion, although Nagios lets you configure some of the 
> options that VPO rams down your throat.

Actually, the service aspect of VPO seems to be alot more advanced that
Nagios. I can easily define multi-layered services, as well as complex
propogation rules. For example, I can say that the status is only
propagated when more than 50% of the underlying services have reached a
certain level. If I have two services, that means both have to be red,
for example. If I add a third service, then only two need to be red
before it's prograted, without having to change the propagation rules. I
can also say when 25% of the underlying services are critical, then the
top level is only a warning. At 40%, the top level has a severity of
major. Finally, at 60%, the top level has a severity of critical. 

VPO also has some faily fine control over who sees what. I can define
services that only specific users see. Or I can define commands that
only specific users can run. 


Jim Mohr

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